Friday, July 1, 2011


I wonder where I lie on the laziness spectrum in terms of the human race.

Laziness being defined as: Not doing things that you know is probably better for you in the long run because you "just don't feel like it".

I don't think mine is that bad on the overall scale, but it could definitely use a ton of improvement and fine-tuning. I'm lazy because I'm spoiled.


  1. yeah would be interesting to know how lazy the average human is

  2. there are some days where I am at the super lazyness scale. lol.

  3. Nothing with being lazy sometimes, just not all the time.

  4. dude thats a good question, i wonder how lazy i am compared to the average.

  5. yeah, i'm pretty lazy most of the time, but sometimes i'll just get like a burst of motivation. but that's only like 2 days a month.

  6. I believe I'm just slightly more active than a bear skin rug on valium on the laziness scale.
